The Cemetery Committee is a Committee of Council for the Village of Oil Springs. The following members are on the committee:
Mayor Ian Veen |
Councillor Connie McFadden |
Councillor Jordan Newport |
Bryan Baxter |
Darcy Mitchell |
Greg Brown (Enniskillen Rep) |
Marie Stephenson (Dawn-Euphemia Rep) |
Lee McMurphy (Dawn-Euphemia Rep) |
Perpetual Care>
Keeping Things Looking Nice…Forever
The Ministry of Government and Consumer Services regulates Cemetery operations in Ontario. A Cemetery Act is in place called the Funeral, Burial and Cremation Services Act, 2002, and many of the regulations in the Oil Springs Cemetery By-law are legally required by the Act.
One of the roles of the Ministry is to protect you – the consumer. This includes making sure that the Cemeteries are well maintained for your family members. This is a long-term commitment and you need to know that the money will be there in decades to come.
To ensure that money will be available in the future, the law states that the owner of a Cemetery must have two (2) Care and Maintenance Funds. A portion of the money that you pay ($250 or 40%, whichever is greater) is put into the Care and Maintenance Trust Funds. Only the interest that is made by investing the fund’s money can be used to maintain the Cemetery over the years. The remaining money you pay $450 for residents, $600 for non-residents) stays in the General Cemetery Account and is used to maintain the Cemetery over the years.
- CARE & MAINTENANCE (General Fund)
The investment income (interest) from the $250 (or 40%, whichever is greater) as noted above, is deposited into this account and is used for the general upkeep and maintenance of the Cemetery and lots. The minimum amount that must be put into the trust fund ($250 or 40%, whichever is greater) is legislated by the Funeral, Burial and Cremation Services Act, 2002 and is also shown on the Oil Springs Cemetery Price List (Schedule ‘A’ of the Cemetery Bylaw ). The amount is part of what you pay when you purchase your interment rights (right to use a lot for burial or also known as a plot) - CARE AND MAINTENANCE FUND (Markers)
The investment income (interest) from this trust fund is used to maintain the safety of markers and monuments in the Cemetery. Again, the Act and the Oil Springs Cemetery Price List (Schedule ‘A’ of the Cemetery Bylaw) lists the minimum amount ($50, $100, or $200 depending on size of monument) that must be collected and deposited into the fund. This fee is paid when a marker or monument is purchased.